The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) measures two pervasive, independent dimensions of personality, Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability, which account for most of the variance in the personality domain.
EPI form contains 57 “Yes-No” items with no repetition of items and there will be three scores at the final:
The ‘lie score’ is out of 9. It measures how socially desirable the participant are trying to be in his or her answers. Those who score 5 or more on this scale are probably trying to make themselves look good and are not being totally honest in their responses.
The ‘E score’ is out of 24 and measures how much of an extrovert the participant are. Extraversion is measured on a continuum, ranging from high (extraverted) to low (introverted).
The ‘N score’ is out of 24 and measures how neurotic the participant are.
Cecelia scored 13/24. This indicates that she have high levels of extraversion and engage more in social activities. She tends to be more talkative, outgoing and feel more at ease in groups. Extraverts enjoy being the focus of attention and often accumulate a larger social network of friends and associates.
Cecelia scored 11/24 for neuroticism and, individual with low neuroticism score will generally experience more emotional stability. She feels more able to cope with stressful events and set less stringent demands of themselves. Individuals with a low level of neuroticism are more tolerant of the failings of others and remain more calm in demanding situations.
Lie score
She had a score of 2/9 which indicates that she is being honest in answering.
Sanguine personality
The sanguine temperament is traditionally associated with air. People with this temperament tend to be lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. She may be warm-hearted and optimistic. Cecelia have no issue make new friends, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas. She can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful.
Interpretive Report
Name: Cecelia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
The session started with short explanation of the test and Cecelia was laying her back on the chair showing less interest. Next, followed up by several clarifications with Cecelia, and the first is where she answered yes for question 7 that her moods go up and down but she answered no for question 2 where she do not often need understanding friends to cheer her up. Cecelia clarified that the way she used to cheer herself up is with music, study and also playing with her dogs. She mentioned that she would not seek to talk to friends when she has down mood. She presented awkward smile and hold both of her hands while answering and it seems like she was not being open at the beginning of the session.
For question 9, Cecelia answered yes to the question of feeling “just miserable” for no good reason. Further clarification was done as well and she mentioned that she feel miserable when she do not do well in exam and when her friends do not ask her out. She also did disclose that she do not really have friends. She paused and opened her mouth widely after answering, portraying sarcasm. She specifically mentioned that she has a lot of classmates rather than close friends. She seems relaxed and was swinging her legs when she stated that her friends do not ask her out, even though it is an issue for her, but she behaves it as not a big issue. This indicates that she is able to handle her emotional well.
Cecelia answered yes for question 12, “once in a while do you lose your temper and get angry?” She revealed that she would get angry when her boyfriend do silly stuff such as overslept and forgetting promises and their dates. she clarified that she originally had bad temper but her boyfriend’s action made it worse. Through further probing, she stated that she would wait for her boyfriend to apologize and this would settle everything. She seems relaxed and was swinging her chair when answering, her hands stop holding together. Cecelia seems relax and comfortable at this stage of session.
For question 24 Cecelia answered no for the question” are your habits good and desirable one?”. She mentioned that she would spend most of her time playing videos games, eat a lot, and not doing workout. She seemed impatient when answering this and not willing to disclose more.
She admitted that she would call herself tense or “highly strung”. She stated that she has bad temper, and is a fast-paced person, and get stress easily. This action correlates with other question that she do or say things without thinking. She takes this personality naturally.
For question 48,” of all the people you know, are there some whom you definitely do not like” and she answered yes. She revealed that she do not like her seniors, and course mates. She flatted her mouth indicates not having good experience with them, as they all like to play mind games. She described them with the word “bxtxh” signified heavily dislike. Seniors told her that university is like a mini society (she mentioned this a lot of times). They do mean stuff in society or also known as club in uni. They do not look at their personality and ability but only look at their interpersonal connection. Juniors will get to higher position if have good relationship with seniors. She started crossing her hands and have a lot of hand movements, she also begin to sit straight indicates that she has a lot to share.
Cecelia mentioned that she sometimes talk about things she knows nothing about. I asked for clarification and she said it is to brag, for her to make friends. She is able to make a lot of friends but not close one. Specifically, friends that do not chat privately, she called them “hi bye friends”. She stated that she would make friends with those with common interest, such as food hunters. She gets extremely excited when sharing about making friends that love food.
In the end, Cecelia does not seem interested in the result, as she started to yawn and not sitting still. It seems like she wanted to end the session as soon as possible. She even said thank you before the session end but she did agree with the result that she has the personality to make friends easily.