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Eysenck's Personality Inventory

Writer's picture: Hui NeeHui Nee

Interpretive Report

Name: Katherine

Age: 22

Gender: Female



Based on her answers in Eysenck’s Personality Inventory, her personality falls under choleric category. Choleric temperament is typically linked with fire. People with this temperament tend to be extroverted and self-centered. Their personality traits may be active, optimistic, impulsive, changeable, excitable, aggressive, restless and sensitive.

They are more likely to be task oriented as they value effectiveness of doing task more and they are very good at it. They are more dominant and born to be leaders. They can be ambitious, determined and like to be in charge. They can lead the others, plan very well, not to mention that they are practical and focus on solving problems. They are appreciative of respect and self-esteem given by others for their hard works.

They are very particular in their work and put a lot of efforts in keeping the high standards of work. Nonetheless, they do not usually satisfied of the time and effort they spend on their works. They will blame themselves very hard if they disappoint themselves.

They do not aimed to be socially desirable and thus they are not necessarily friendly. They enjoy deep and purposeful conversations than small talks. If they would have to be with shallow people, they will rather be alone.

Katherine agreed with the test results but she called herself a person-oriented person when being asked. According to the session, the word she frequently mentioned was ‘things’. ‘Things’ that she said here referred to her assignments, exams and other academic performances. She is actually very task-oriented when it comes to doing works. However, she cares a lot about others’ feelings at the same time. In that sense, she weighed people more than tasks.



E Score: 18 out of 24

Based on the analysis of the results, she is an extrovert person. Extraversion is featured by being outgoing, talkative, optimistic and in need of external stimulation.

According to Eysenck’s arousal theory of extraversion, cortical arousal has an optimal level and performance is peaked at that level. While more or less aroused than the optimal level, it reduces the performance. Arousal can be measured by skin conductance, brain waves or sweating. Extraverts are

Extraverts, according to Eysenck’s theory, are extremely under-aroused and bored. They need external stimulation to bring them up so that they achieve an optimal level of performance.

Katherine is more extraverted than introverted. She is like to be socially with people and enjoy spending time with others. She often long for excitement and she further explained that she wanted to travel alone to meet new people. She appreciates relationships with people who mean a lot for her. Thus, she will take time and effort to maintain good relationships with them.



N Score: 19 out of 24

She is emotionally unstable as the score of neuroticism is relatively high. Neuroticism is presented by high level of negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.

According to Eysenck’s theory, neuroticism is based on based on the activation thresholds in sympathetic nervous system or visceral brain. It is a part of brain which responds to dangerous (fight-or-flight) situations. Activation can be measured by heart rate, blood pressure, cold hands, sweating and muscular tension, especially in the forehead.

Neurotic people, according to Eysenck’s theory, have low activation thresholds. They can hardly control or inhibit their emotional reactions. They experience negative affect even when they face only very minor stressors. Thus, they are easily nervous or upset.

When she is answering the questions, she exerts normal test-taking behaviours. Once the conversation starts, Katherine behaves quite nervously with her voice lowered than normal occasions. When being asked, she repeats the keywords said and ponders quite a while to think almost every time. She often rubs her palms when answering questions. Sometimes, when she could not think of the terms in English, she becomes very tensed. From her body languages, it is apparent that she is somewhat nervous and not comfortable of being recorded.

Based on her answers during the session, she marks herself as a nervous person. She claims that hormonal changes make her mood changes. Menstrual period affects her moods and thus her performances and her perceptions of herself. Sometimes, she will be very motivated. When she cannot perform, she will be very down and upset as she knew that she will be regretful of it later in life. She feel lost and miserable when things do not go with plans. Pre-planning is very crucial for calming her down when facing challenges.

For a question that she ponders a long while – “Would you call yourself tense or ‘highly strung’?”, she informs that she is tensed because she is not confident to do the tasks, especially when the things are not in her planning. She will feel lost, panic, nervous and out of ideas of what should she do. She explains the seriousness that she started getting palpitations in heart and trembling in very early of her age. Her friends even called her a Parkinson sufferer. She is highly nervous about uncertainty.

She feel unsecured and worried about the thing she have done or said every time. Her worries will not go off as long as she has not seen the outcomes. She also easily feel hurt when she is not understand by the others. She feel like she is not being trusted by others. She claims herself as person oriented. Even though she is very dominant while performing tasks, relationships are also very important for her.

Although she is highly in need of pre-planning to feel calm, she is behaving positively. She wants to challenge herself to do things that she very seldomly do, which is to travel alone without planning. Even in this young age, she is also worried about death. She said she still have many things to do and she hopes that she can have enough time to finish them all. She worries about her health because she always sleep late and is very picky on foods.

It is good to note that she does not experience depression. She remains outgoing and positive. Although she has many worries and uncertainties about things, her worries often go away after some time and she can get them through positively.


Lie score: 1 out of 9

Lie score measures how socially desirable the respondent is trying to be in their answers. Scoring 5 and above indicates that they are trying to lie in their answers to make themselves look good. Katherine scores only 1, which means she is being honest in her responses.


by Tan Hui Nee 62722



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